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Inflation Fighting Tips to Preserve Your Spending Power

When prices rise, every dollar earned is worth less, making it more challenging to make ends meet.

Of all the economic problems that arise, inflation is among the most destructive. When prices rise, every dollar earned is worth less, making it even more challenging to make ends meet. Saving for the future can take a back seat during inflation and even after prices stabilize, putting families behind in their savings goals. A strategy is needed for survival, below are some valuable tips you can start using today.

Put an end to those nuisance fees once and for all
With every dollar worth less, no one can afford to waste them. So now is the time to get rid of those monthly bank service fees, ATM charges and other costs that may be lingering. We encourage you to compare bank fees to services at Eglin Federal Credit Union.

Banish food waste
The only thing worse than spending more at the grocery store is watching those dollars disappear into the trash or down the garbage disposal. With inflation on the rise, it has never been more essential to banish food waste. Embrace those leftovers, freeze the excess or share the bounty with those in need.

Stock up on shelf-stable staples
Even with prices on the rise, there are bargains to be had. When deals pop up, it is time to stock up. Filling the pantry with pasta boxes, jarred sauce and canned vegetables will be good for future finances, so clear some space and start shopping. Look for coupons and grocery store rewards cards.

Experiment with meatless meals
With the price of meat rising faster than other grocery store staple, now could be the time to embrace an inner vegetarian. Maybe a meatless Monday is a way to experiment. Of course, giving up meat entirely isn’t necessary, but eating meatless one or two days a week could make a big difference in the size of monthly grocery bills.

Put off major purchases
If you are contemplating a major purchase, ask if it is something you can live without. If so, putting it off until the worst of the inflation spike is over might result in considerable savings.

Seek out inflation friendly investments
If extra cash is available to save and invest, looking for products that benefit from inflation is smart. From government savings bonds that track the rate of inflation to stocks of companies with rising earnings, these smart money investments could be suitable for the short term and the long term. Consult a financial advisor for the best options

Optimize your fuel economy
The price of gas has been especially problematic of late, and inflation at the pump is surely one of the most painful aspects of rising prices. Looking for ways to maximize fuel economy can have an outsized influence in this environment. Think about the way you drive as well as how many miles are traveled. Are there other, less expensive transportation options available like carpooling? Use apps to find which gas stations are offering the lowest price fuel.

Inflation is nothing new, and rising prices have arisen in decades past. When prices are rising, it is easy to despair, but it is important to realize that spending power can be retained. Solving the Federal Reserve dilemma or controlling the larger economy might not be an option, but the ability to make strategic changes to how you shop, drive, cook and live your daily life still exists. The seven inflation-fighting tips listed above may help make the most of those shrinking dollars.

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Safety tips for members
Socially engineered schemes often rely on methods that financial institutions would never employ.
Use anti-virus software, and keep it updated
Using anti-virus software and keeping it up-to-date is the best protection against these threats.
Use a personal firewall, and keep it updated
Installing a personal firewall is essential to safeguard your computer and valuable personal information.
Online scams
Be aware of deceptive emails, pop-ups, and other online scams.
Phone scams
As consumers become more educated about fraud and identity theft, online criminals are moving to other places to launch their scams.
Check the security lock
To verify a website is genuine, double click the lock to display the website's security certificate. If the name on the certificate and the name of the website in the address bar do not match, the website may be phony.
Guard your privacy
Guard your privacy and limit the amount of personal information you share online.
Check your online statements frequently
In order to help ensure that you and your information stay safe, check your online account statements frequently.
Debit & ATM card security
So that we may notify you as quickly as possible, it is important that Eglin FCU has your cell phone number and accurate email address.
Security at ATMs
Maximize your safety at ATMs with these tips.
Make your smartphone safe
Smartphones give us a lot of freedom and make our lives more efficient, but they also present their own set of challenges when it comes to data security.
Eglin FCU's commitment to security
We are committed to taking reasonable steps to protect the security of our member's financial information in all areas of our operations.