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Usernames & Passwords

To provide added security for accessing your account online we require a unique username & a password that meets our complexity requirements.

Unauthorized access is a major problem in the high-tech world we operate in today. If you are a victim of these hacks, the consequences can include loss of money, bank account information and identity theft. It is more important than ever to take necessary actions ensuring your username and password are secure. We have made the decision to require usernames rather than account numbers to enhance the safety of your account. We also require that you evaluate your password for complexity as an extra security measure.

You are the first line of defense in protecting your account access. Password complexity goes a long way to keep your financial information safe, but a unique username can provide additional security to protect your account just as much as a strong password. So what makes a strong username and password? Below are some guidelines you may consider when creating a secure username and password combination.

Create a Strong Username
  • Keep it unique: Create a username for access to your Eglin FCU account online that is different from your email username or any other usernames for other online accounts.
  • Stay anonymous: Do not use the same username and password combination or a username that gives clues to your password. Also refrain from using your name, birth year, social security number, email or dictionary words and other identifying information as this becomes a huge indicator of who you are.
  • Use a mix of characters: Strong usernames have all four of the following types of characters: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters (!%#$&).

Create a Strong Password
  • Avoid using personal information: Your password should never include any part of your full name, username, email address, birth date, social security number, phone number, account number, etc.
  • Refrain from using real words: Hackers use numerous online tools to guess your password. Some of these tools even allow their devices to run through every word in multiple dictionaries in a matter of minutes. If you really want to make it difficult for hackers, create your own words to secure your password and prevent their schemes from succeeding.
  • Do not use repeated or adjacent keyboard combinations: Passwords that combine repeated or adjacent alphabetical or numerical sequences on the keyboard are easy for hackers to crack. Avoid using "aaaaaa", "111111", "qwerty", and "123456", etc.
  • Use a mix of characters: Strong passwords have all four of the following types of characters: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters (!%#$&).

Keeping Your Username and Password Secure
  • Never disclose your username and password to anyone.
  • Do not use passwords that you have used in the past.
  • Never provide credentials requested via email.
  • Do not save passwords or use the "remember me" resource on public computers.

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Current fraud trends
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Tax scam information
Know the telltale signs of common tax scams.
Protect yourself from a mortgage closing wiring scam

There has been an increase in fraud targeting mortgage closing companies and consumers near the closing date of their dream property.

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Create strong passwords
Making your password more complex will keep you safer online (though much more can still be done).
Quick tips for online security
10 things you can do to ensure the online safety and security of your account.
Safety tips for members
Socially engineered schemes often rely on methods that financial institutions would never employ.
Use anti-virus software, and keep it updated
Using anti-virus software and keeping it up-to-date is the best protection against these threats.
Use a personal firewall, and keep it updated
Installing a personal firewall is essential to safeguard your computer and valuable personal information.
Online scams
Be aware of deceptive emails, pop-ups, and other online scams.
Phone scams
As consumers become more educated about fraud and identity theft, online criminals are moving to other places to launch their scams.
Check the security lock
To verify a website is genuine, double click the lock to display the website's security certificate. If the name on the certificate and the name of the website in the address bar do not match, the website may be phony.
Guard your privacy
Guard your privacy and limit the amount of personal information you share online.
Check your online statements frequently
In order to help ensure that you and your information stay safe, check your online account statements frequently.
Debit & ATM card security
So that we may notify you as quickly as possible, it is important that Eglin FCU has your cell phone number and accurate email address.
Security at ATMs
Maximize your safety at ATMs with these tips.
Make your smartphone safe
Smartphones give us a lot of freedom and make our lives more efficient, but they also present their own set of challenges when it comes to data security.
Eglin FCU's commitment to security
We are committed to taking reasonable steps to protect the security of our member's financial information in all areas of our operations.